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3D Rendering pricing all over the world

How much does it cost to do a 3D rendering 2024?

Transform Your Ideas into Stunning 3D Models with Our Rendering Services

A 3D architectural visualization studio in New York, London, and Sydney charges between $700 USD and $1,500 USD for a high-quality 3D still image (also known as architectural rendering or architectural visualization).  This is the average price you should expect to pay for small to medium projects. Also, the price for large projects ranges from $2,500 to $1,0000 USD, depending on the project. The hourly rate for a 3D rendering typically ranges between $50 and $150 USD.

By taking advantage of lower labor costs, studios in developing countries charge less. You will see a significant difference in price depending on the location of the studio. If you are able to find the right 3D rendering service provider, the results will be about the same but only an experienced and talented 3D rendering studio can produce a high-quality photoblastic rendering.

We have found that there are some fantastic artists and studios in India, Sri Lanka, China, and the old Soviet Union countries. So, it doesn’t mean you can’t go outside the country to find great reliable talent, just do a bit of homework and thorough examination of their portfolios.

The average 3D rendering prices can vary around the world. However, these prices are subject to change based on both the quality of the rendering and the location of the studio. It’s important to note that not all renderings are the same, as many factors involved such as Experience and Skill, Quality and photorealism of the rendering, Software and Tools used.

In general, lower price ranges are typically found in countries like Sri Lanka, India, China, Singapore and the Philippines. On the other hand, higher prices are more common in countries such as the US, UK, Australia, Germany, Spain, Italy, and France

Average 3D Rendering Prices Worldwide

This table provides an overview of typical 3D rendering prices across the globe:

Type of 3D Rendering Price Range Typical Delivery Time
3D Exterior Rendering (Residential) $400 to $1500 3 – 6 days
3D Exterior Rendering (Commercial Building) $1000 - $10000 3 – 8 days
3D Interior Rendering $250 - $1000 2 – 5 days
3D Floor Plan Rendering $200 - $600 2 – 3 days
3D walkthrow Animation , CPU-Based Animation using Corona and Vray $60 to $150 per second 2 - 3 weeks
3D walkthrow Animation , GPU-Based Animation using Lumion $20 to $100 per second 1 to 2 weeks
3D Product Rendering (Simple) $50 to $100 1 to 2 days
3D Product Rendering (Complex) $500 - $1000 2 to 5 days
360 Virtual Tour or Panorama $750 – $2000 5 to 10 days
3D Lifestyle Product Rendering $250 to $550 2 to 4 days

If you’re looking to utilize our 3D Rendering Services for your upcoming project, kindly send your project details to . Alternatively, you can get in touch with us by using the contact form. We’re excited to hear from you and will respond promptly with a customized quote.

The Ultimate Price Guide For 3D Rendering Pricing In 2024.

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Certainly, computers have become faster, the software has become smarter, and rendering has become cheaper.  Quality versus cost is not about being fancy and always buying the most expensive version of everything. On the other hand, it is not about being cheap and constantly buying the least expensive version of things. It is about whether or not your spending serves a purpose. In regards to rendering, if an artist or studio can produce an eye-catching rendering that looks close to a photograph, then that will surely serve a purpose. The real cost of architectural renderings may not be the bottom dollar but the end result and your “hassle-free” time.


More than 80% of the 3D visualization studios around the world fall into the $500 to $1,500 price range, Presently, studios can create a realistic computer-generated rendering within 3 to 5 days. Therefore, in most cases, the final outputs are the same within this price range. Moreover, pricing doesn’t necessarily denote quality. Thus, the more affordable $500 rendering could look as good as the rendering of a large professional studio with a fee of $1,500. Have a look at our portfolio to get a general idea. 

No matter what professional field you are in, inevitably you will need to break down the cost of your services. However, it is a well-known fact that studios in developed countries such as the US, UK, Australia, and Canada are charging more. The reason behind the price hike is the expensive labor and operation costs. By taking advantage of less expensive labor costs, studios in developing countries such as China, Sri Lanka, and India are charging less. You will see a significant difference in price depending on the location of the studio. Undeniably, the results will be about the same. If it serves your purpose, it is hard to argue against it, and probably a waste of time to even try.

Additionally, be aware that less expensive rendering can come from a large studio that is basically a “render mill,” pumping out renderings at a quick pace with hundreds of artists working for low wages – therefore producing renderings via assembly-line fashion. Subsequently, it comes down to the idea that big studios have an abundance of artists to complete projects if the initial artist gets sick or has an emergency and is unable to complete the project.

However, there is no guarantee that the same artist will see you through the project from start to finish. Consider what it means to work with a large studio, compared to working with a factory, or collaborating with a designer. Moreover, the downside to larger studios is that they are impersonal, with a revolving door of artists. Each of those artists has varying skill levels, making their work less reliable than in a smaller studio. So, at this point, there really isn’t much mentioned here that helps a potential client make a better decision.

How to select a 3D architectural rendering company?

Selecting a 3D rendering company by its online portfolio can be difficult for multiple reasons. So, when in doubt, ask for a reference. There have been plenty of situations when online 3D rendering companies have been called out for stealing other’s work and showing it as their own.

If a 3D rendering company has good reviews and is recommended by someone you trust, then they’re probably worth considering. When looking at an artist or studio’s online portfolio, pay attention to the following:

The overall quality of the work
If the work is a good fit for your project
How well the architectural rendering studio communicates
The company’s professionalism
The company’s turnaround time
The company’s price.

There are companies out there that sell ready-made scenes for people to render and put in their portfolios. This is not illegal. However, some may say it is unethical. The scenes and content are not created in-house. Basically, the 3D rendering company is using these scenes and content to pad and fluff their portfolios. Likewise, the work does not represent the particular work content the artist creates and is often misleading.

There are also plenty of cases where an artist was formerly part of a small team before breaking away from the team and branching out on their own. In this case, it is important to decipher if the work is that of the particular 3D rendering company or if the work that they are presenting is that of their previous team. Make sure to request that they show their own work. So, be careful if the work seems world-class, but the price is ridiculously low, and they can’t provide a referral or two.
Unquestionably, it comes down to finding the 3D rendering company that is knowledgeable in your industry sector. Also, have them produce a body of work that you respect and a point of contact that you feel comfortable with. Meanwhile, assure that the price point is realistically in your budget.
There are no simple answers, just some things to think about. We have found that there are some fantastic artists and studios in Sri Lanka, China, and the old Soviet Union countries. So, it doesn’t mean you can’t go outside the country to find great reliable talent, just do a bit of homework first. Make sure you aren’t going to do a lot of hand-holding for a final product that isn’t acceptable.

If you are looking for a reliable partner who can provide quality rendering on time, have a look at our portfolio before making a decision.

What is 3D product rendering, and what will it cost?

Product rendering or “Product visualization” is the best alternative to traditional photography.  To put it another way refers to the use of 3d software to create photorealistic images that would be used in marketing and advertising. It is also the best choice for small-medium enterprises, especially for product rendering at Amazon, eBay, or any online businesses. Bad 3D rendering is bad, just as bad as photography is bad. Anyone who is still under the impression that 3D product rendering doesn’t look real has been looking in the wrong place or they have had a past bad experience with cheap 3D rendering services. Learn more about our 3D product rendering service. 

The best advantage of 3D Product Rendering is Cost, Cost, and Cost! Producing a 3D product rendering is so much more cost-effective than traditional photography. As a general guideline, the cost of a visualization studio that offers high-quality 3D product rendering falls approximately between $50 to $550 USD. If you are looking for a more complex and advanced product design, the average price that you would expect will be ranging from $500 to $5000 USD onwards. Just a note that every studio offers different prices and packages for 3D product rendering. A renowned studio that produces higher quality work will certainly charge a higher price as compared to others. You can also reach out to cheaper rendering services from countries such as China, Sri Lanka, or India. The easiest way to find out the 3D product rendering cost is to consult with the respective 3D product rendering service to know more information about your projects.


Why not find a cheap 3d rendering service?

Under $200 Renderings:

I can say rendering is bad however the average person off the street might say they see nothing wrong with it, so why should anyone care?
Many architectural rendering firms in Bangladesh and the Philippines offer low-quality 3D rendering services for $70 to $150 per image. Numerous clients have obtained these only to realize that you get what they pay for. An average person off the street might say they see nothing wrong. However, low-quality renders can give your product or service a bad impression. Henceforth, you may end up losing your credibility or a sale.

However, there are times the low-quality renders are the best.
DIY projects and final quality isn’t that important.
Just to get an idea and explain basic design concepts.
When the budget is the main concern.



To summarize

Whatever professional industry you are in, you will inevitably be asked to provide or even explain the cost of your services. It might be tough to provide a price for architectural visualization while ensuring that what you are offering pricing for is what your competitors are providing pricing for. You will see a significant difference in price depending on the location of the studio. Undeniably, the results will be about the same. If it serves your purpose, it is hard to argue against it, and probably a waste of time to even try. Finally, the true cost of architectural visualization may not be the price, but rather the finished product and your “hassle-free” time.